a Collection of R Functions to Analyze Inventories Data
Using a latent block model by encapsulating the blockmodels library in the blockmodels4inventories library to perform biclustering on survey data to characterize the crop diversity and diversity of seeds supply modes..
possible input data: Presence/absence and count data
as well as . . . many covariates
To install the blockmodels4inventories package, the easiest is to install it directly from GitLab. Open an R session and run the following commands:
if (!require("remotes")) {
host = "forgemia.inra.fr",
Once the package is installed on your computer, it can be loaded into a R session:
Main specifications:
As a lot of time and effort were spent in creating the blockmodels4inventories and blockmodels methods, please cite it when using it for data analysis:
Jean-Benoist Leger (2016). Blockmodels: A R-package for estimating in Latent Block Model and Stochastic Block Model, with various probability functions, with or without covariates. arXiv:1602.07587
Jean-Benoist Leger (2015). Blockmodels : Latent and Stochastic Block Model Estimation by a ‘V-EM’ Algorithm.
You should also cite the blockmodels4inventories package:
See also citation() for citing R itself.